Before you search high and low to find a hidden discount code, here’s the regular offers we have for you to take advantage of. If you are looking to save money on your purchase and get great value, we have a range of options to support this.
Because who doesn’t love a treat!
Refer a Friend
Want a tasty discount on your order over and over again? Got some friend who’d LOVE what we do? Sign up for the refer a friend plan here and you can both take advantage of great discounts
Girl Gang email list
We’re all about our Girl Gang. We offer you a mega welcome gift, plus top-secret Girl Gang only offers each month, first shops of sale & new items and special giveaways too!
Jeans + 1/2 price t
Want a new outfit for less? Grab any cut, colour or size of jeans & get any T from this selection for half price. This offer automatically calculates at the checkout.
Matching Sets
Save 10% when you buy 2 items from our matching sets range. Lady K Loves doesn’t do dresses, we do matching sets which you can wear together to create the look of a dress or with other items to give you a more versatile wardrobe. When you buy any 2 items from our sets range you automatically save 10%
Tarot Multibuy
Buy a combination of our Tarot cards with our matching T’s & totes and save money. Discounts are automatically calculated the at checkout.
Cards £32
T-Shirt £25
Tote £10
Cards + T-Shirt Full price £57 multibuy offer £50
Cards + T-Shirt + Tote Tote Full price £67 multibuy offer £60